God of war 3
God of war 3

god of war 3

god of war 3

If God of War III is your introduction to the series, there's a brief video that will basically catch you up to speed, though at this point, all you really need to know is that Kratos is an angry jerk, and pretty much everyone else he encounters is a vindictive, condescending, double-dealing jerk. It's called God of War, not God of Friendly Handshakes. Of course, on the way, Kratos will face off with, and usually murder, whatever significant figures of Greek mythology he didn't already turn into a red smear in the first two games, all in the most unflinchingly graphic, Verhoeven-esque way possible. Of course, Kratos can't just walk right up to Zeus, gut him like a trout, and roll credits, so you'll spend most of the ten-or-so hours of God of War III trying to collect the mythical objects that Kratos believes he needs to finish the job. Still playing fast and loose with Greek mythology, God of War III sees Kratos continue on his quest for vengeance against the gods of Olympus, now with his sights set squarely on dear old dad, Zeus. Some of these last-gen holdovers make the experience feel less cutting-edge than it might otherwise, though it's still plenty brutal enough to earn the God of War name. While the technology has advanced, the relative shortage of meaningful changes and refinements to God of War's vivisecting gameplay formula means that it's not quite as thrilling as the first (or second) go 'round. God of War has always been a big graphical showcase for Sony, and to this end God of War III doesn't disappoint, using that extra horsepower to bring a phenomenal level of both detail and scale to the game's presentation.

#God of war 3 series

This hands-on approach to primal scream therapy continues with God of War III, the first in the series designed specifically for the PlayStation 3. Kratos is a man with serious anger-management issues-issues that he's been violently working out on the entire pantheon of Olympic gods over the course of the last two God of War games, dismembering, disfiguring, and disembowling every god, demi-god, and beast of myth that crosses his path.

God of war 3